Lectors & Mass Commentators
The role of the Lector is to proclaim the word of God at Mass. This may seem obvious, but there is a difference between reading the word of God versus proclaiming the word of God. Lectors read the Universal Prayer, also known as the Prayer of the Faithful or Intercessions, when a deacon is not available.
The role of the Commentator is to greet the congregation at the beginning of Mass and help them to prepare their hearts and minds for worship; as well as to share weekly announcements and information with the congregation.
If you are interested in training to become a Lector or Commentator, please contact Lindsey in the parish office at 610-681-6137 x118. Trainings are held yearly or as needed.
Greeters & Ushers
The role of Ushers and Greeters is to create an atmosphere of welcome, represent the parish community, help visitors find a seat, and be a source of information about the parish.
If you are interested in joining our Hospitality team, please contact Lindsey in the parish office at 610-681-6137 x118.
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” Mt 18:20
Senior Choir
Senior Choir is open to teens and adults 9th grade through senior citizen.
They rehearse on Thursdays from 7:30-8:30 in the church from September through Corpus Christi, and sing at 11:00am Mass every other week. This group sings SATB choral music. You do not need to read music to join.
For more information about any of our choir groups, please call Lindsey Blundetto at 610-681-6137 x118 or email blundetto@qopchurch.org.
Contemporary Ensemble
Contemporary Ensemble is open to teens and adults 9th grade through senior citizen.
They rehearse on Mondays from 7:30-8:30pm in the church from September through Corpus Christi, and sing at 11:00am Mass every other week. A small group of volunteer instrumentalists accompanies the singing. Most of the music is in unison, and you do not need to read music to join.
For more information about any of our choir groups, please call Lindsey Blundetto at 610-681-6137 x118 or email blundetto@qopchurch.org.
Junior Choir
Junior Choir runs from September through May, following the religious education calendar.
Children in grades 3-8 rehearse on Monday evenings in the church from 6:00-6:45pm.
They sing at the 8:00am Mass on Sundays, along with special Masses such as Christmas Eve, Holy Thursday, Easter, and First Holy Communion. We have fun throughout the year with a pizza party, ice cream party, and talent show.
For more information about any of our choir groups, please call Lindsey Blundetto at 610-681-6137 x118 or email blundetto@qopchurch.org.
Funeral Choir
Did you know we have a funeral choir?
This group of singers comes together to lead the hymns for funeral Masses throughout the year. There are no rehearsals. You do not need to be in one of the other choirs to join this group. Once you are on the funeral choir list, you will receive notification when we have a funeral and come when you can.
For more information about any of our choir groups, please call Lindsey Blundetto at 610-681-6137 x118 or email blundetto@qopchurch.org.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The role of the Extraordinary Minister of Communion is to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass in the absence of ordinary ministers such as the bishop, priest, or deacon. This is a very important fact that affects the terminology we use to describe this ministry. As EXTRAordinary Ministers of Communion, you are called upon to fill a need when ordinary ministers, the ordained, are not available.
This also can involve taking communion to those who are sick, homebound, in nursing homes, hospitals, or prisons when ordained clergy are not available. They may also expose and repose the Blessed Sacrament for Eucharistic Adoration with explicit permission of the pastor.
If you are interested in training to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, please contact the parish office at 610-681-6137. Trainings with our Deacons are held yearly or as needed.
“For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you…” 1 Corinthians 11:23
Youth Altar Servers
The role of the Altar Server is to assist the priest and/or deacon during Mass on Sundays or other important days in the life of the Church, and serving God and serving the prayer of the members of the Church called the Body of Christ.
By being focused on their responsibilities, altar servers aid in the “flow” of Mass. By showing proper reverence, altar servers help remind everyone in church that the Mass is sacred and important. By being prayerful, confidently speaking the responses and singing the songs, the altar server sets an example for how everyone should participate in the Mass.
If you are interested in training to become an Altar Server, please contact the parish office at 610-681-6137. Trainings with our deacons are held yearly or as needed.
Funeral Altar Servers
We want to ensure that those who pass on to the kingdom of God do so with their loved ones at peace. When a funeral Mass is held, we need the help of volunteer adult altar servers. This includes things such as carrying the cross and candles during the procession, helping Father with the incense, and assisting at the altar during the Mass.
This is a good way to get involved that not only means a lot to the families, but also works with whenever you are available. When a funeral Mass is scheduled, a group text is sent out to all the funeral altar servers asking if anyone is available at that date and time. You would receive a brief training from your fellow servers on the procedures.
If interested, contact Eric in the parish office at 610-681-6137 or secretary@qopchurch.org
“Go in peace, God be with you.”
Church Cleaners
We invite you to join our Church Cleaner ministry! Anyone over the age of 18 is invited to help clean the main church area. Families are welcome to clean together! There is a schedule for each week and normally each person is only scheduled about 8 times a year!
The church is divided into 2 sections, (the Altar, Choir, and pews on the right side) or (the Tabernacle, Chapel and pews on the left side). Each section has 2 people scheduled to clean that area. Cleaning consists of straightening up the Hymnals, picking up any leftover trash, vacuuming, and dusting. No window washing!!
This is a very important ministry to help the church look beautiful for our weekend Masses. We take pride in making our church pristine! Join us! Call Kim in the office if you need additional information at 610-681-6137.
“How lovely your dwelling, O Lord of Hosts!” Ps. 84:2
Youth Group
Youth Group at Our Lady Queen of Peace is divided into 2 age groups—Middle School and High School.
Middle School aka Living 4:12 meets on Wednesdays starting late September and runs through May. It is for 7th and 8th grade students and the meeting time is 5:30pm to 6:45pm.
High School aka Teens of Peace meets on Tuesdays starting late September and runs through May, also. It is for 9th to 12th grade students and meets from 7pm to 8:30pm.
This year, there will also be various Sundays, maybe once a month, that both groups meet together and have a fun night—food, music, games, etc.
During the summer, we don’t have scheduled meetings, but lots of ‘pop up’ events that happen.
We meet in the teen room, which is located next to the atrium at the front of the Church.
What’s great about youth group is you can come to 1 meeting, 2 meetings, all meetings, whatever works best for your schedule! Meetings are independent of each other……you don’t have to attend every single meeting worried that you may have missed something the week before pertaining to the current week’s meeting!
You don’t have to be registered within the Parish to attend. However, the teen has to be registered with me in youth group. That means filling out some papers—name, address, emergency contact, etc.
Why join a youth group? Teens always group themselves with commonalities — sports, music, academic interests... and being Christian, Catholic, is another way to come together and meet friends and hang. This is NOT Religious Ed aka CCD. We talk about issues facing teens, maybe learn a bit about faith, but we are geared towards making friends, engaging in fun activities (bonfires, game nights, trivia nights, movie nights), work on a service project here and there to make this world a better place, and we eat, A LOT!
If you are interested in joining, or would like to learn more, contact the Youth Minister Jill Salvi at youthminister@qopchurch.org or 610-681-6137 x117.
"Let no man despise thy youth: but be thou an example of the faithful in word, in conversation, in charity, in faith, in chastity." 1 Timothy 4:12
Little Flowers
Under the patronage of St. Therese the Little Flower, each month girls age 5-12 learn about a different virtue through the lives of Catholic saints, scripture, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, earning a flower badge for their work. They build friendships as they make crafts and share snacks.
We meet one Friday afternoon each month after school hours. There is a nominal fee to cover the cost of member books and craft supplies. Following our monthly club meetings, the girls complete projects to earn a flower badge each virtue.
For more information about our group, Becky Krzan at 570-855-2010 or krzan.vbs@gmail.com.
Blue Knights
With St. Joseph as a model and the ideal of knighthood, boys age 5-12 learn each month about a different virtue through the lives of Catholic saints, scripture, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, earning a Crusader Breastplate badge for their work. They build friendships as they share crafts, hands-on activities, and snacks.
We meet one Friday afternoon each month after school hours. There is a nominal fee to cover the cost of member books and craft supplies.
For more information about our group, contact Matt Krzan at 570-899-5521 or krzmat74@pct.edu.
Little Women
The Little Women Hospitality Program is a Catholic girls' program based on the virtue of offering hospitality to others. Young ladies age 12-17 have fun together while learning various aspects of hospitality through classic literature, spiritual insights, the Catholic faith, and hands-on experience.
We usually meet one Friday of each month from 4:00pm-6:00pm. There is a nominal fee to cover the cost of member books and supplies.
For information or to sign up, contact Zuly Kennedy at 617-459-1277 or zzulyms@aol.com
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is a group of parishioners who knit prayer shawls - light blankets we give to families at funerals - as well as baptismal bibs.
You can learn more about the worldwide ministry at shawlministry.com.
If you would like to get involved in the making of these, contact Angi Famularo at angi43@ptd.net or 570-234-7359. You can also help by donating yarn at any time.
"May the Lord of all comfort and blessings be with you and all you love now and forevermore..."
Rosary Makers
Our parish always has Rosaries available for free to anyone who would like to take them. But they have to come from somewhere!
Our Rosaries are all made by parishioners who volunteer their time to do so! Whether you want to make one, or a dozen, up to you! All materials are supplied for free to anyone who wants to spend some time making some.
Making Rosaries is a calming and fun activity that benefits our parish and can even help to evangelize!
Stop by the parish office for supplies. If you are new to the hobby and/or don't know how to make them, the Altar & Rosary Society hosts a workshop every once in a while.
Eucharistic Adoration
Jesus waits for you in the Blessed Sacrament every Friday in the chapel after the 8am Mass. Recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm. Evening prayer and benediction at 6:30pm.
We are always looking for people to cover the day by committing to spending just an hour of their time with the Blessed Sacrament so that He is never left alone.
The first Friday of every month, adoration goes on for 24 hours straight. For more on this, contact Matt Krzan at krzmat74@pct.edu.
There is a signup sheet outside of the chapel.
"Could you not watch one hour with me?" Matthew 26:40
Flame of Love Prayer Group
This Prayer Group meets in the Café every Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to noon for prayer and faith sharing/discussion.
Additionally, the group prays the Flame of Love Rosary on a free conference call on Mondays at 10:30am EST. Participants call in on Mondays by 10:25am at 717-908-1920. When prompted to enter access code, put in the CODE: 429706#
All are welcome to join us. Many prayers have been answered through the effect of the special grace of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Flame is Jesus Himself.
For more information, contact Cathy Bagley at 570-856-5628.
1,000 Hail Mary Devotion
First Saturdays in the Chapel after the 8am Communion Service until 12:30pm. Any amount of time you can spend will help with this devotion to the Blessed Mother. All are welcome.
Spanish Charismatic Group
Altar & Rosary Society
The Altar and Rosary Society is an organization of parish women which assists in developing the spiritual growth of its parish through devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and praying the Rosary.
We provide the care and upkeep of the Altar and the altar linens.
Our fundraising projects, which include an annual bake sale, basket raffle, Mother's Day carnation sales, and calendar lottery have allowed us to gift QOP with the statue of Mary, purchase new Altar cloths, acquire a park bench, add outdoor direction signage, provide financial support for building the café, and funding for the St. Martin de Porres ministry.
For more information, or if you are interested, contact Rocky Alleshouse at rocky.alleshouse@gmail.com
The Tabitha Sisters
We began with four women, friends who had lost their husbands, going out to lunch. One of the group suggested that we had more widows at church. Why don’t we gather and go out to lunch once a month? And so it began.
We laugh together, we share stories, sometimes (not often) we shed a tear or two. Our common bond brought us together, but our love for each other binds us together.
If you are a member of our parish and lost your husband and would like to join us, call Jane at 610-381-6176. We meet the fourth Thursday of the month at various restaurants.
West End Fair Kitchen Team
Every year, Queen of Peace hosts a huge kitchen stand at the West End Fair! We serve potato pancakes, pulled pork, and all kinds of great food, and it is always a great success!
However, this of course cannot be done without the help of our amazing volunteers! Each year dozens of parishioners give their time and talents to make it all possible. Everything from taking orders, making the food, serving it, and so on.
The West End Fair takes place every August. When that time approaches, we get to work asking for volunteers and getting ready for the event; as well as giving as much information and announcements as we can. Check the church bulletin when summer comes around!
All proceeds go towards our capital improvement fund.
West End Missions
Started in 2005 by a group of caring individuals who wanted to help those in need in the West End of Monroe County
We provide free takeout meals and other food to those in need in our community. Although we are a 501(c)(3), we do not have any income requirements.
We currently serve meals on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church in Brodheadsville, PA.
Our take-out meal times are from 4:30pm to 5:30pm.
We are always looking for new volunteers! For more information, visit www.WestEndMissions.info, or contact Jill Salvi by email at wem2005@ptd.net, or call (610) 681-7735.
Parish Nursing
We are caring parishioners (including a few nurses) who offer thoughtful care and fellowship to our fellow parishioners in need.
We visit the homebound or those who live alone or who have no family in the area, or may be confined in a health facility, to bring comfort, fellowship and the Eucharist (when appropriate) while being the face and hands of Jesus to those who are suffering from loneliness, shock of diagnosis, disability, chronic or terminal illness, offering a sense of community and connection, as well as prayer & support, and assistance with finding appropriate resources while fostering dignity, self-reliance and spiritual growth in challenging circumstances.
Training will be provided; CLEARANCES REQUIRED. No special skills needed; only a willingness to be a listening ear to those who need a friend, and to offer hope and a connectedness to our Queen of Peace community through visitation and prayer.
For more information, contact Michele Cohen at 570-856-8143 or cohen@qopchurch.org.
"Christ has no body now but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes with which He sees, yours are the feet with which He walks; yours are the hands with which He blesses all the world." - St. Teresa of Avila
Heart to Heart Ministry
Offer follow-up phone calls, anniversary rememberances, and organize our yearly memorial Mass for those whose loved ones had their funerals at Queen of Peace.
Contact Joanne O'Connor at drummy@ptd.net.
Bereavement Luncheon Group
“Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4
That’s what we do in the Bereavement Luncheon Group. If requested, after the family says goodbye to their loved one at their funeral, the BLG provides a beautiful and delicious repas. In church, the family is nourished spiritually. Then they come into McCawley Hall where we nourish their bodies. The hot meal is always delicious. The tables look beautiful. And the homemade desserts are always scrumptious.
This is not accomplished by any one person. It takes a team! Would you like to be part of this team? There are options. There is the cooking team, the set up and serving team, the dish-doers, and the dessert makers. The families are always most appreciative. The teams have fun getting to know each other and as a bonus we get to eat the delicious food too!
Need more info? Want to join us? Call Jane 610-381-6176.
Teaching Little Children to Love Christ (TLC)
Join us with other young children and those that care for them together, to share how we show our children to love our Savior and live our faith, through stories of the saints, recipes, Catholic traditions, church teaching, lives rooted in prayer, interactive songs, stories and crafts. (plus games & toys)
All are welcome, especially those ages 0-4! Join us for a lively and enlightening experience of Catholic community.
For more information, please contact Linda Carbone, carbone@qopchurch.org.
We are a small faith community ministry focused and rooted in prayer. At our gatherings, we share breakfast, share our faith, and aboce all bring our gratitude and needs to the Lord in prayer. Connect is a safe environment for spiritual knowledge and friendship.
We meet the first and third Tuesdays of each month from September to June from 8:30-10:30 AM in the café. For more information, contact Dori Hurley at 570-460-3981
Rite of Christian Initation for Adults (RCIA)
Each year on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil, thousands are baptized into the Catholic Church in the United States. Parishes welcome these new Catholics through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
If you were baptized protestant, or left the Catholic church at a young age, or even if you have no religious background at all, this is the process by which people of the age of reasoning can come into full communion with the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
In RCIA, prospective converts to Catholicism (known as Catechumens) will learn about the faith and will be taught the ways of the Church; tailored to each individual depending on where they are in their spiritual journey.
For some more detailed information about the process, check out this guide from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops!
If you are interested in taking this monumental step in becoming a disciple of Christ, contact Deacon Bob O'Connor at 570-620-6814 or qpdeacon@ptd.net and he will work with you to get you started.
Parish Pastoral Council
Members of the Parish Pastoral Council are to be representative of the entire parish. Members must be committed to fostering the life and mission of the church and to promoting the good of the whole parish. The Parish Pastoral Council is to be a representative body and not a body of representatives. Members of the Parish Pastoral Council must recognize their responsibility to represent the entire parish rather than the exclusive membership or agendas of parish committees or parish organizations to which they may belong.
Membership is by appointment or election only. Contact Father Bob if interested.
Finance Council
The Finance Council of our parish provides assistance to our pastor in implementing fiscal responsibility. We prepare an annual budget, check out income and expenses each month, and audit transactions prior to ensure fiscal policy is being followed.
Membership is by appointment or election only. Contact Father Bob if interested.